Friday, 4 September 2015

Such a Migrant Day

Cherubs, I have been writing all day about the rights of European countries to protect their borders and the responsibilities of Europeans towards non-European refugees and economic migrants.

Uncontrolled mass migration destabilizes local cultures, and drives away the native born.

The migrant crisis is a crisis not only for the migrants (particularly helpless children like Alan Kurdi whose parents endanger their lives after reaching safety) but for the European population. If IS and Turkey had fired upon Europe, Europe could fight back. But instead IS and Turkey and Boko Haram are sending hundreds of thousands of refugees and economic migrants, mostly Muslims, whom former Christendom feel obligated to house and feed.

I wholly approve and endorse Poland's plucky decision to take only those refugees most likely to sympathize with Poland's unique and predominantly Catholic culture.

Meanwhile, I have volunteered to help my MP bring 10 Syrian families to his constituency.

And now I am very tired.


  1. This seemed relevant: "At a Berlin church, Muslim refugees converting in droves"

    1. Though it is, of course, unfortunate that they are becoming Protestants.

    2. Presumably the Protestants aren't encouraging to stay Muslims.

  2. I will have to disagree, and refer you to the story of the Good Samaritan.

  3. In the story of the Good Samaritan, given to a Jewish audience, the point was that a Samaritan was good to a Jew, and thus a Samaritan was capable of being "a good neighbour." Our Lord was making a point about goodness, humanity and kindness existing outside our very own religious/ethnic group. It was not an immigration policy.

    "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" would make a better argument. It's more heart-stirring, though, when the stranger is imagined alone, not surrounded by thousands of other young men screaming "F**** you!"

    1. I will add, with some reluctance, this article:

      If (IF) the statistics and conclusions are true, then mass migration from Africa and the Middle East does indeed have very serious consequences for girls and women in a host population.

  4. I would respectfully disagree and refer you to Exsul Familia Nazarethana which speaks of the human right to migrate, the universal destination of goods, and the duty of sovereign nations to accommodate refugees (when their wealth permits it).


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